
We live our lives on the surface…eat sleep work and we keep on living out the same pattern throughout our lives…living life on the surface dulls our sensitivity and we live unconscious lives….

Life is meant to be lived vertically…life can only be expressed in its depths…the deeper you go into life the more enriching your life becomes…the more mature you become because the more you experience the deeper you become…


Happiness is not out there…happiness is not to be searched for and achieved…happiness is within…it blossoms…it blooms from within….the deeper you become the more happy you become

Love….madly and deeply….live …madly and deeply…become passionate about your life…go into the depths of each moment and you will uncover and discover many a miracles….life is abundant…life is rich…you just have to tune into that abundance…

At the source you are pure consciousness…at the source you are the ultimate witness….at the source you are one with the universe….you need to dive into the depths of life to touch the miracles of existence…

Life is full of mysteries…life is a miracle….respect it…value it…tune into it and all the riches of the universe are yours for the taking…

Live each moment totally….don’t relive the past and imagine the future…be in the present…and dive deep into the present moment…it is in the present where you will find your true present…your true nature….your self…your source…!!

Detach from the mind…detach from the body…these are temporary phenomenon…your soul…the true you is immortal…identify with the soul…discover your source and realize that there is no death…only change of form…

If you want to be happy the formulae is simple….be here now and be total…live intensely…live passionately…go deep into the moment and discover your true nature…

Happiness is your true nature…but when you start living in the world of psychological time…the past…the future…you miss the present and you miss reality…you miss life…

Remove the blockages of the past-future thinking…and obsession and attachment with the ego and once the blockages are chiseled out your true masterpiece will emerge…your true potential will flower….

The deeper you go the richer your life will be…dive deep into the present and experience life in its totality … will then discover your source…your true nature…



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