All beings are seeking joy….seeking bliss….the basic urge is for dissolution…returning to the source…for dying to be born again…

Joy is not far away…bliss is very near but we are so busy thinking away that we miss life totally…instead we live a pseudo life…a life of story manufactured by our minds….


The mind is just a recorder…it records and repeats…to seek bliss you will have to go beyond the mind….you will have to become the witnessing presence behind the clouds of thoughts…you will have to be the sky….

Create space….don’t think too much…you are much more than your thoughts…be the witnessing presence behind them….

Love is waiting….joy is waiting…bliss is waiting at the door of your heart…you just have to open up and bliss joy and love will provide enormous enrichment which will transform your consciousness…

The secret is not to seek or hanker for happiness…the secret is to become empty of the garbage we have collected from the unconscious society…the secret is to be open to all the seasons and open the door of your heart..

Love…truly…madly…deeply….lose yourself in love…become nothing…become empty and the existential joy will enthrall your consciousness….love is the key and …joy and bliss are the hidden treasure…

Enjoy each moment…be in the present…the present is a present….enjoy it full….live life in the now…don’t be caught up in mental moviemaking….be here now….and you will find that your heart will dance a dance of joy and bliss will awaken in your consciousness…

Each moment is a miracle…you just need empty innocent eyes to appreciate the beauty and ecstasy of life…the deeper you go into life the greater will be your understanding and maturity and the more you understand and mature the more joy and bliss you will experience…

Life is a gift…value it…respect it…enjoy it….but don’t waste it…the is a great opportunity…to experience the frontiers of your consciousness….to live by love….to sing your song and leave your footprints on the shores of the universe…

Dive into the depths of your consciousness and you will find all the universal treasures hidden deep within your heart…..

Live by love and you will live a great life….happiness will be yours….bliss and joy are your birthright….reclaim them now….

You have just one life to live…live it brilliantly…!!



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