
Water is very essential for our body and about 60 percent of the body is made up of water. Water expels toxins from the body and regulates body temperature. Along with this, water helps a lot in working of our brain.

Similarly during pregnancy a woman needs a lot of water as it provides nutrients to the baby. Water helps in maintaining the level of amniotic fluid. Drinking water is beneficial in problems like constipation during pregnancy. In such a situation, how much water should a pregnant woman drink?


In general, every person should drink 2 liters or 8-10 glasses of water daily to stay fit. This includes the amount of water in your diet juice, fruits, vegetables, soups, etc. A pregnant woman should have a normal amount of water for about 27 weeks, but after that with the growth of the baby, you should increase your fluid by about 500 ml.

Explain that the amount of water to drink is not the same for everyone. If you are overweight or you are eating more then you should drink more water. Also it should be noted that dehydration during pregnancy will not only affect you but is harmful to your child. Not drinking enough water can make you feel tired and constipated.

Sometimes it happens that even if you are drinking enough water, there can be a problem of dehydration. In such a situation there is a need to increase the intake of fluids. To know whether you are drinking enough water, check your urine. If the urine color is dark yellow then increase the intake of fluids. Apart from this, if you are feeling constipated, tired and thirsty then try to get fluids.


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