UK teen loses eyesight

UK teen loses eyesight and hearing after eating chips, meat and processed food

A teenager from Bristol, England lost his eyesight and hearing because of his poor diet which included chips, crisps, sausages, processed ham and white...
start eating alone

Want to cut down on your daily food intake? Study says start eating alone

A recent research has proved that if you want to cut down your daily food intake in order to get in shape, you need...
Anil Kapoor

Secret to Anil Kapoor’s ageproof skin is South Indian food. Dieticians tell you why

Anil Kapoor recently revealed the secret to his evergreen youth and ageproof skin. It is South Indian food, and dieticians will tell you why. How...
Depressed Sad Man Sitting

Addicted to your smartphone? You could head straight to depression

A new study has proved that addiction to your smartphone can lead to depression and loneliness. In a bid to rest the debate on what...
monsoon diet

5 food items you should absolutely stay away from this monsoon

Monsoon weather makes people more susceptible towards a cold or a flu and the weather even makes us crave for certain food items that...
Banana Walnut Smoothie

Weight Loss: 5 High Protein Breakfast Smoothies You May Add To Your Daily Diet

Weight loss: If you are looking for interesting ways to add protein to your weight loss diet, then we bring for you a list...
first bird flu death in India

The first bird flu death in India this year, Delhi’s AIIMS Reports

The first bird flu death in India this year, Delhi's AIIMS Reports, an 11-year-old boy (susheel) who was undergoing treatment for Avian Influenza has...

Milind Soman has top 5 tips for a healthy lifestyle. How many of these...

Milind Soman shared his top 5 tips for a healthy lifestyle with us. How many of these do you follow? Former supermodel and actor Milind...
love your coffee three cups a day

Love your coffee? Three cups a day can protect you from diabetes

Researchers have found that three cups of filtered coffee a day can protect you from diabetes. If you love coffee, here is some good news...
Can't quit smoking

Can’t quit smoking? Study says it can lead to depression

A recent study has found relation between smoking and depression and schizophrenia. If you are a regular smoker, quit now as researchers have found that...

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