Here are some simple symptoms

In the past few decades, cases of cancer have surged drastically across the globe. Sensing the gravity of the situation it would not be incorrect to say that it has become one of the most feared diseases. Several factors can increase the growth of cancerous cells like genetics, age and environment. Still, early detection is one of the best weapons against the disease.

Data suggest that as compared to men, women are more prone to getting cancer. Breast cancer is the most common of all, followed by cervical and ovarian cancer. This world cancer day, we spoke to Dr Geeth Monnappa, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Fortis La Femme Hospital, Bengaluru to know more about ways to prevent cancer in women. As per her growth of cancerous cells can be easily prevented at an early stage if we stay a little alert. Here are some common symptoms of cancer suggested by her that every woman must look out for.

Abnormal bleeding

All women experience occasional irregular periods or cramps. But persistent pain or changes in your cycle can be a sign of cancer. “Period lasting more than 7 days or passage of large blood clots while bleeding is considered as a heavy period, which is not normal,” Dr Monnappa explained. She added that even bleeding in between the month is a matter of concern. These might look like a simple issue, but can be a sign of cervical, uterine or ovarian cancer. So, it is important to consult your doctor in such cases.

Bleeding after intercourse

Spotting or bleeding after sexual intercourse can happen due to several reasons. It can be a sign of infection, vaginal dryness and in the worst-case cervical cancer. In fact, about 11 per cent cases of bleeding after intercourse is due to cancer So, this symptom must not be taken lightly at all.

Bleeding after menopause

In medical science, if a woman does bleed for a year after the age of 40, she is considered menopausal. Dr Monnappa said that if someone witnesses spotting after hitting menopause then it can be due to uterine or cervical cancer.

Pain during the period

Periods are often accompanied by pain and cramps. These are quite normal before and during the menstrual cycle, expect the one that emerges after the age of 40. “Severe pain during the period after the age of 40 needs can be a sign of cancer,” she explained. “Even foul-smelling vaginal discharges should be evaluated on time to cut down the risk of severe infection,” she asserted.

Abdominal swelling

The symptoms of ovarian cancer are the most difficult to diagnose as they do show any specific signs. Any kind of abdominal distention or swelling, indigestion, change of bowel habit, loss of weight and loss of appetite can be a sign of ovarian cancer. If you have noticed any such changes in yourself better to consult a gynaecologist.

Changes in breast

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. As most women know their breast well, it is easy to detect any kind of changes in it. Any lump, bleeding from the nipples or change in the skin of the nipples should be brought into the attention of your gynaecologist. Redness and thickening of the skin on the breast could indicate a form of rare breast cancer.


For early detection and prevention, Dr Monnappa suggests that every woman after the age of 21 or at least 25 needs to get regular cervical cancer screening. This includes a pap smear test once in 3 years, with or without HPV DNA testing. “This needs to continue up to the age of 65 years,” she added. Breast cancer screening starts at the age of 50 with yearly mammograms. But in women with the family history of cancer, these tests need to be done early in life to prevent the growth of the cancerous cell.


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