Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss: Making the right food choices can help you lose weight. Here are five simple food swaps that you must try for effective results.

Weight loss is one of the most discussed topics of all time. Many often fall for fad diets in order to achieve quick results. But for sustainable weight loss, you need to combine a healthy diet with exercise that suits you. Making a few small changes in your daily foods choices can also enhance the outcome of your weight loss journey. You can simply make some clever changes in your diet that can reduce your overall calorie intake. Certain foods are loaded with hidden calories and sugar that can further affect your weight loss goals. In one of the Instagram posts, nutritionist Lovneet Batra sheds light on the same. She shares some food swaps that can help in weight loss. Let’s take a look at these below.


Weight loss: Food swaps you need to make today!

“Wouldn’t it be great if substituting healthier, lower-calorie foods or eating a smarter portion size can do the trick?” her post reads.

1. Aam panna over diet soda

Sodas are loaded with added sugar and empty calories. According to Batra, “Artificially sweetened drinks interfere with weight regulation mechanisms, disturb gut bacteria balance, and alter blood sugar regulation.” While a cool glass of aam panna helps in electrolyte deficiency and keeps heat stroke at bay. You can prepare aam panna with some simple ingredients at home.

2. Lauki nutty kheer over kheer

Pastries are high in refined flours, sugar and trans fat. So, to beat those cravings for something sweet, grab a bowl of kheer. Bottle gourd is rich in dietary fibre, both soluble and insoluble. The nutritionist adds that lauki, when combined with milk provides protein, making it a low glycemic index food for diabetics. Add some nuts on the top and dig in!

3. Homemade chutneys over readymade sauces

Sauces are a hidden source of salt or sugar, and sometimes unhealthy fats as well. Therefore, it is time to make some delicious chutney with all-natural ingredients. Homemade chutneys are full of micronutrients that are good for gut health and can help in digestion. As a result, you will notice better metabolism.

4. Steel-cut oats over instant oats

When running late, instant oats might be your first choice. But are these really healthy? Instant oats contain added sugar or salt and some chemicals as well. On the other hand, steel-cut oats are full of soluble fibre, which help keep you fuller for longer. High fibre foods keep hunger pangs at bay and make you lose weight.

5. Homemade butter over readymade butter

Till now you might be aware of the importance of healthy fats. “Market made butter contains trans fats and is high in sodium content while homemade butter contains healthy fats, which help in mobilising stubborn body fat. Still, it should be consumed in moderate quantities,” Batra adds.

Try these small changes to see effective results. Along with these, make healthier choices in your overall diet and stay active for effective results.


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