heart disease

The number of deaths from heart disease in India is a matter of concern. This danger is especially increasing in young adults. Doctors attribute this to a lifestyle full of stress and depression. Here are some common habits which are very dangerous for your heart.

People who are sitting in front of TV for more than 4 hours every day are up to 80% higher risk of heart artery disease. Experts say that even if your body weight is correct, sitting in front of TV and computer for a long time has a bad effect on blood sugar and fats. It is often the habit of people that after sitting in office for 8 to 9 hours, they sit in front of TV for many hours. It is dangerous for heart health.

You may see snoring as a disturbing sound of sleep, but it can also be a sign of a severe cerebral problem, such as obstructive sleep apnea. While sleeping in this condition you may have trouble breathing, which increases BP. Such people are four times more likely to get heart disease. This risk is more visible in obese people. So if you snore at bedtime and often feel tired then visit a doctor.

According to studies, a small amount of alcohol can be good for your heart, while more alcohol is connected to high blood pressure. This can also be the reason for heart failure later.

The reason for this is not known, but there is a strong connection between gums’ health and heart disease. If you do not use floss, bacteria and plaque keeps accumulating, it can cause gum disease. This further creates a danger to the heart by accumulating plaque in the arteries.

Being overweight is very dangerous for the heart. Eat less, do not sit with more food, drink more water instead of sweet drinks.

The more salt you eat, the more your blood pressure will increase. Stay away from packaged junk food. Keep sodium low in food.

The best diet for the heart is plant-based diet. This means include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products, protein in the mine and avoid junk food as much as possible. According to research, the risk of heart disease is reduced by 20 percent among those who eat fruits or vegetables 5 or more times a day.

You must have read many times about the disadvantages of smoking. Once again know that smoking is a very big risk for your heart. Smoking creates blood clots that stop blood flow to the heart, causing plaque in the arteries. High BP, cholesterol, diabetes, being overweight and smoking risk are the factors that need to be checked.

Do you often feel upset and depressed? All these also have an effect on your heart. Today many of us feel like this. How you deal with these emotions affects your heart health. Many benefits of laughing and social support have been revealed in research. It is good to talk to someone about your problem.


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