Pi Day

Pi Day

Mathematics Constant Pi Day is celebrated every year in March. Because of this pie, we were able to know that our earth is round. The approximate value of pie commonly used in calculations is 3.14 i.e. 22/7.

Due to mathematics constant pie, today we have been able to know that our earth is round. The approximate value of the pie commonly used in the calculation is 3.14. Another value of Pi is 22/7. Also, let us tell you that the greatest mathematician Albert Einstein was born on pie day.

The value of the pie was first calculated by a mathematician named Archimedes of Syracuse. This was later accepted by the scientific community when Leonhard Euler used the emblem of the pie in 1737.

Know why this day is celebrated in March,

The value of Pi is 3.14. The initial number of the number is three, thus it is celebrated in March as it is the third month in the annual calendar. According to the date and number 14 it is celebrated on the 14th of March. Another interesting thing about this day is that the celebration of this mathematically continuous day starts at 1.59 pm so that the estimated value of Pi increases to 3.14159.

Pie Day is celebrated with full enthusiasm
This day is celebrated with full zeal and enthusiasm by those who are enthusiastic about mathematics. They organize Mathematics Quiz and Competition on this day. The questions in the quiz are related to pie. This helps them to practice mathematics.


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