Law of attention

“Whatever you give attention to GROWS…whatever you don’t give attention to GOES”

The Law of Attention says that you have the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE what you want to manifest in your life…whatever you choose today….whatever you give attention to today will become your tomorrow…

Law of attention


To use the Law of Attention to your advantage…you need to choose an filter out all the good you want in your life…no situation is good or bad…you have a choice what you take from the situation…look at the positive side of things and give full attention to them…positivity attracts positive….the more attention you give to the positive …the more your life will become blissful and beautiful….

Whenever you face problems in life….look at them as CHALLENGES…growth opportunities….focus on the positives and what you will gain and learn out of the situation…if you look at the glass as half full…the other half starts to fill it up too…that is the power of attention…

Attention magnifies…with the attention you realize….the more you focus on the good…the brighter side ….the more will be your growth and success in life…..consciously choose the positive and you will attract more positivity into your life


Visualization is a great technique to bring in and grow more positivity in your life….before you face any situation visualize the best possible result….and you will surely find that by focusing on the positives you have more chances of success…you will gain power and confidence….your personality will shine and you will outshine the completion or challenge


The best way to deal with negativity is simple-IGNORE THE NEGATIVE….negativity cannot survive without your attention….when you ignore negativity it evaporates…negativity is like darkness…you bring in the light of consciousness and awareness and the darkness disappears and all is light


The more you focus on something…the more attention you give it…the bigger and more influential it becomes in your life….so we must become response-able and focus on the positive side of things….positivity brings in more positivity and with come success, growth and happiness…

So plant the seeds of positivity in your life by focusing on and nurturing the good in your life and ignore the negative….it will disappear on its own….when light enters …darkness disappears….and so it is with negativity….


– Make a list of all good things in your life….people, situations, experiences and read the list out loud every day with the prefix “I LOVE”….you will find that you attract more positivity and you become more happy and joyous

– Develop an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE…..thank existence for all the good that is coming your way and you’re your gratitude will multiply your happiness…

– Whenever you face a Negative situation or person….become totally objective….kill your ego and don’t give attention to the TRAPS OF TENSION….by being calm, composed and relaxed yourself you will diffuse the tension and negativity

– Visualize always success, harmony, and happiness….you will soon realize that by visualizing the good you attract more good….visualization has a power of attraction….and what you will visualize…you will be able to realize

– Realise and acknowledge that you have FREEDOM OF CHOICE in every situation in life…this is more like using the inner willpower and awareness to focus on the good and materialize the positive….use this freedom to choose the life of your dreams


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