Joe Biden decides to backtrack

Joe Biden decides to backtrack

Joe Biden announced on his swearing in of the President that the US would again join the International Paris Climate Agreement to fight climate change. Biden was expected to take back some of the shocking decisions taken by Donald Trump, but it was hardly anyone to guess so soon. President Joe Biden decides to backtrack Kay stated that the United States is planning to return to the Paris Climate Agreement again. Several countries of the world including India are involved in the Paris Climate Agreement.

The US was also a member, but late last year, President Donald Trump had announced his exit, leaving the public quite surprised. The Paris Climate Agreement was signed in 2015.

As soon as he became president, Joe Biden on Wednesday signed an order to rejoin the US in the Paris Climate Agreement. It is being told that an order to review the actions of former President Donald Trump weakening climate change security will also be included with immediate effect. Joe Biden decides to backtrack says that we are going to combat climate change in a way that we have not done so far.

It is worth mentioning that on 12 December 2015 in the French capital Paris, representatives of 196 countries adopted it while agreeing on the draft Paris Climate Agreement. The Paris Agreement was accepted by the US nearly 3 years later on 3 November 2016 during President Barack Obama’s administration.

At the same time, in August 2017, on behalf of the President Trump’s administration, it was formally asked to withdraw from this agreement. India formally signed the Paris Agreement in April 2016. Under the Paris Climate Agreement, India promised to reduce its carbon emissions by 33 to 35 percent by 2030.


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